Originally Posted by Curb71
I love this guide and used it again today. One thing to note is the white flip clock makes it so you cannot swipe upwards on the clock to see the small clock and other thing that only appear there. Such as an appt if you have a voice mail or multiple appts ect...
You can still see it by using the Dpad but I wish someone could find another white flip clock that does not disable this feature.
Originally Posted by timtlm
**This will disable the ability to slide with your finger and see additional notifications for upcoming appointments on the home screen. To fix this, go here and install the cab for background for all pages in the first post, and then you will need to use the background image in the second post to restore the original background image. Set the background by navigating to the settings tab on TF3D, and click wallpaper.
I updated my post to include instructions on how to fix it. Haven't tried it myself, but it is supposed to work.