FormerPalmOS and Scott - I just downloaded the new XIP that FormerPalm posted and have just now cooked and flashed a rom with it using SSK 1.2. So I can guinea pig it for you
The first test (and I know this is probably not recommended), will be if it will accept a backup made on the previous ROM I was running (which was SSK 1.2 exactly how it was released from Scott, with minimal items cooked in). I made the backup using SK Tools and am about to restore it now. I HOPE that the backup will restore and be bug-free as this would be nice not to have to set up all my stuff again!
But anyways I will be taking the phone to work with this new ROM and will try to let you guys know ASAP if I run into any problems. If I DO get any funkiness, I'll do a hard reset and just run the phone as-is without any apps for a while and see if the funkiness is reproduceable and will report on that if it is.
FormerPalm - what differences should I look for running the ROM like this vs. running a ROM just straight from SSK 1.2 as it was released? Speed increase? More memory? any fixes?
EDIT: Already noticed one difference... I set the PP to 12 which is how I ran the last ROM, but I end up with ~1 MB more available RAM, 108 vs. 107. Also, \Windows\ loads up in about one second flat now!! Fastest I've ever seen that!