Symmetrical body design = holster in + out??
My mogul/Titan was a pretty symmetrical device, which means that most plastic holsters I found could fit the device inwards-facing as well as outwards.
This was important to me because when I mount my holster on my car dashboard (I have a hook that I put in to clip it to), I want to have it face-out to use in the car. Then, when I take it inside, I flip it around and clip it onto my hip face-in to protect the screen.
The Touch Pro seems pretty symmetrical, (at least the Sprint one, with the rounded edges does- not sure about the hard-cornered other models)... I'm wondering if I buy a plastic holster, if it will allow me to clip facing in as well as out?
I asked some people that sell the cases, but they all told me it fits whatever way the item description says only. They said the same thing about the Mogul/Titan cases. Has anyone who has one of these tried flipping it around?
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