Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!
hop2000....No problem, and not lame at all, a very common request actually!! Glad you got it!!
saltyorange....lets see here:
1- Do you have any other apps running that may cause this (locking app, caller-type apps (dialers, profilers.....)? I know sometimes it seems like the same thing is happening on my Omnia, but I find there is a bit of a lag, but it does hang-up for me when I press the 'red' phone button.
2- It seems to be a common thing with the Omnia. I use SuU2, and I use an almost all black battery charge screen, so it hardly bothers me, but you could turn the Omnia onto it's face so you can't see it. I haven't heard of screen burn, but I guess that is something to watch for. Hopefully a fix will be in the rumored update!!