Re: Google Navigator
i was just trying to share a program with you guys. so i made a mistake, SO F*****G WHAT!! I have been getting hate mail for trying to share MY purchased version of Google Navigator as a thank
you for everything everyone has done on this site. Because of you guys i have appreciated my Touch
Pro and learned alot but i have been threatened with being banned from this site etc... SORRY ( By the
way, TO THOSE OF YOU who disagreed/hated on me for my generosity, i dont see how i differ from
you!! I legally bought what i was trying to share. AND IM SURE YOU DO NOT have a stock version of
whatever phone you use. So how are you more righteous than me when i purchased what i own and am
willing to share for your benefit? Think about what you use (in general), is it ALL politically correct?!?
Besides it doesnt matter what i do/say/offer anyway because it'll always be like this -----> 50% are going
to appreciate it and the other 50% are going to disparage it. ) "Let he who is without sin cast the 1st
stone" THATS ALL I GOT TO SAY... IF you want, e-mail me at: (email deleted by Coz)
Last edited by CozBoogie; 02-02-2009 at 02:14 PM.
Reason: deleted email