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Old 02-02-2009, 03:56 AM
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Re: My TouchFLO became blazing fast, i forgot the tweak, help?

Originally Posted by jringo718 View Post
Not sure, I think if your registry hasn't been edited too much, you won't see much of a difference, but if you are like me and have edited the registry multiple times, it definitely brings it back to how it should work if you hard reset, but retain all the speed tweaks found on ppcgeeks without inputing it yourself.
Hey Jr, it does not matter how much you modify your registry, your exporting registry data and importing the same data. Nothing has changed period. Now if you hard reset your Touch Pro, export your CLSID registry data, then install all your tweaks and apps, then delete the CLSID and then re import the CLSID registry information there will be a difference, and chances are programs that you have installed which are dependent on data in that folder will fail.
Two Evo's 3D's Running CleanROM 1.2 -8/12/11
BaseBand | PRI 1.16_003 | PRL 21080 |HWv002
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