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Old 02-01-2009, 09:05 PM
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Camera Issue: Pixels destroyed under bright light

I'm having an issue with ALL of the photos I take. Whenever there's something bright like light reflecting off skin or the light around a lamp, the pixels get corrupted to hell. I have all the camera settings to default (I think), I've tried taking photos to the phone and to my storage card, it doesn't seem to make a difference.

The photos look GREAT on my phone, but once I look at them on my PC they look terrible. This made me think it was an issue with file transferring, but I just tried emailing a photo to myself from my phone and the same issue is occurring.

The issue is VERY obvious on full size images, I just took this one to show you all. It's a small image, but you can still see the obvious pixel corruption on the highlights (my forehead & cheeks).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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