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Old 02-01-2009, 04:10 PM
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Re: Registry Question

Take a look at the post by FredJones over on XDA, this will allow you to customize the way the Start>Settings>Sounds & Notifications work for each option.

Originally Posted by FredJones
How to edit registry so the notification options you want available are available and selected. I posted this on another thread but thought it could also be of use here.

I hated that my brand new Sprint Touch Pro was beeping at me because of an appointment reminder and I needed to dismiss the reminder before it would quite beeping (the Repeat check box is grayed out, but selected for Reminders by default, so it couldn't be unselected). Not anymore

My phone uses MW6.1, so I have only tested these values on this.

First a list of the reminders in the Registry found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications

15F11F90… - Reminder
695F6B37… - RSS-Hub:New Item
85ee47b2… - QuickGPS
8ddf46e7… - Connection established
8ddf46e8… - Connection disconnected
A877D658… - Begin Sync
A877D658… - Beam:Autoretrieve
A877D659… - End Sysnc
A877D65A… - Messaging: New Email
A877D65B… - Messaging: New Text
A877D660… - Missed Call
A877D661… - Voice Mail
DDBD3B44… - Wireless Network Detect

There are two important keys:
The values in these keys will determine what options are available (AvailableOptions) and which options are selected (Options).

The values relate to the following (in the order on the Notifications tab):
1 = Play Sound
16 = Repeat
8 = Display message on screen
4 = Flash light for ...
2 = Vibrate
Add the numbers of the notifications you desire. So if you wanted all of them selected you would put 31 in the Options key. If you only wanted a message and vibrate you would put 10.

Next step.
AvailableOptions determine which boxes are available and which are grayed out. (we will leave out Repeat until later). Options determines which are selected, and yes you can select something in Options that is not selected in AvailableOptions, it will appear as a grayed out check box that is selected.

So if AvailableOptions is set to 10 only the Display message on screen and Vibrate check boxes will be available, the rest will be grayed out. If the Options value is 14, the Play Sound will be grayed out, unselected; the Display message will be available and selected; the Flash light will be grayed out, but selected and 5 min (Duration key = 5); Vibrate will be available and selected.

So set the options you want to select and unselect using the Available Options key and use the Options key to specify which are selected. Changing the selection in the Notifications tab will change the value of the Options key, but will not change the AvailableOpions key.

The only values accepted for either are 1-15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31
Is is because you can't have Repeat (16) without Play sound (1), that's why there are numbers missing. I tested putting 16 in AvailableOptions and 31 in Options and all boxes were selected, but grayed out.

Now for the Repeat checkbox
Things get slightly more complicated when the Repeat box gets involved. The way the AvailableOptions values function do not change. Setting it to 15 will make each box, except the repeat box, available, with the Repeat box grayed out.

It seems that the Repeat box is governed by the Options value first and the AvailableOptions second. So setting AvailableOptions to 31 and Options to 15 would result in Repeat being unselected and grayed out.

The only way to un-gray the Repeat check box is to set AvailableOptions to 31 (it still matters) and set Options value to 1073741824 + (what you want selected).
So 1073741825 (1073741824 + 1) is only Play Sound,
while 1073741855 (1073741824 + 31) will select all of them.
The only thing I can figure is that 1073741824 is 40000000 in HEX and that is needed to turn on access to the Repeat check box. The values added to that affect what happens to after that.

If you set AvailableOptions to 11 and Options to 107374185, all of the boxes will be checked, but Repeat and Flash light will be grayed out.

I have seen different values listed on the web, but the values I list here are what windows assigned when certain boxes were checked and unchecked. I did us one of the values I found on the web to determine 1073741824 was needed to open access to the Repeat check box.

Have fun setting your Notifications.


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