Originally Posted by mabru2001
Request for HD Tabs in the next release. Especially the people one. I tried installing the people tab and it didn't work... something about the compression being wrong.
FYI: I am running full HD Manila with 0.8B and it is working great (except for landscape mode manila which is same as portrait, which I prefer).
1) Install 1.8.1.cab from the bottom of the first post
2) Delete
My device/Application Data/HTC/databases/forecast_cache.db
3) Install the mto-fix
4) Install the additional tabs cab, or just install my complete skin
5) Install the
S2A CDMA black-dialer if you like (the white one is included).
Works perfect!
1) No Landscape
2) SIP shown during loading after soft-reset (auto-hides after loading).
3) The highlight bar in settings is slightly too tall.
That's it!