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Old 01-31-2009, 05:54 AM
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Re: Consolidated DUAL NAM and SPC Finding/Changing Tutorial!

First this is not illegal in any way shape or form.

Second you cant have 2 lines from the same provider as they have no way to push 2 lines to the same esn.

You can have 2 seperate providers providing one allows forigen esn's

I use cricket on nam1 for all my calling as its unlimited. Back when cricket had the crappy 1x data I had verizon on the second nam as it was a verizon phone. I only had unlimited data on that service. So when I wanted to tether to my laptop id switch to nam2 and tether as I wanted.

Now cricket has evdo and rev2 out and its just as fast if not faster then other providers and its unlimited.

Seriously cricket is pretty good $50 a month gets you unlimited calling, unlimited txt and pic mail, unlimited data, unlimited 411. And you get 300 mins of roaming.
Remember one thing in life. What ever your talking about, thats what your saying.