if you want push email you need access to an exchange server! i have one set up and if i get enough people to want access and are willing to donate i may consider allowing people in. LMK if your interested, your welcome to pm me if you want to know more about how it works.
the reason Push Email is so amazing is when your always flashing your phone like us junkies here in the forum, you will loose your email, contacts, and calender each time. with Microsoft Exchange Push Email you just put your setting back in and it will sync everything back like it was never gone. you can also set up outlook on your computer and it will be an exact replica of your phone email. when you delete a contact on the phone it deletes it on your computer. when you add an event in the calender it does the same on you device. Pretty cool, but i have to warn you, once you start using Exchange you will be addicted! it's hard to ever go back to normal email!!