Originally Posted by rgildoss
does it effect the buttons on the bottum ? the talk and hang up buttons?...some said that it over laps them and makes them un-usable...
Not at all! It puts no pressure on those keys.
However, the clear plastic technocel (that came with the maroon gel type that I bought from sprint) put pressure on the keys making them unusable. I actually got a file and ground the lip back that was causing the pressure but then I noticed that the case was also putting pressure on the corners of the screen. At night I could actually see the strain on the screen as a glow at the corners. Therefore, I want to stress NOT to buy the clear plastic technocel!
Today I got the other clear case that I ordered (from 1800mobile, not from technocel) and it fits perfectly. The plastic is quite thin so it adds almost no bulk to the phone. I like having this option because the gel case makes the phone tough to get in and out of my pocket if I'm wearing jeans.
Anyway, here are 2 pics of the clear case.
I hope this has been helpful!