01-31-2009, 02:41 AM
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Re: RSTG Leaked Sprint v2.0-1.5.12 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/24/09
Originally Posted by rstoyguy
Here are the defaults that should fix it for you:
"Ime File"="\\windows\\eT9ime.dll"
"Layout Text"="eT9 IME"
I'm gonna flash a couple of other roms to check them out tomorrow, I'm trying to keep this mostly stock. I may play around with it, but probably won't include it in this one. This is an example that the latest sys doesn't make a rom faster/more stable, it's what one includes in the rom.
As far as the battery testing goes...I reverted back to the stock battery drivers and it seemed to be better, but that may have been shrouded by the 10% increments. I want to give it another workout today, the 1.6 will probably be uploaded tomorrow evening. And the newer version of TF3D has pas_sed my test, not quite as zippy as what's in the rom now, but close enough and the memory savings with the compression makes it even sweeter! I'm still waiting an answer from the author on the messaging + and - buttons so I can remove them. Here is a preview of the clock:

Well ur the man! Fixed it thanks again