Here is
tsowens Custom Taskbar icons:
OEM_tsowens_taskbar_VGA_icons........................... tsowens Taskbar Icons VGA (OEM Notes)
OEM Notes:
- This OEM is designed to be "portable" from rom to rom.
-- No need to worry about duplicate files.
-- The OEM automatically overwrites the system files with the new ones on post-flash setup. (Causes gguruusa to have a heart mur-murrrr.

-- For those worried about "space", rename the files inside the OEM and remove the "002-" from the 9 filenames.
- Works with *ANY* kitchen.
- This one OEM has all the components needed.
- Works with Diamond and Touch Pro
- Included screen shot so I don't have to explain what ya get:
Enjoy! And link posted in the top of this post to the original thread so you can give the author some Geek-love and pound his
Thanks button!