Originally Posted by tenthirty2
Why do you want it, if you don't mind me asking? Google Maps and Microsoft Live Search are two free alternatives that run circles around Alltel's Navigation program. And again, I want to stress, they're FREE. Alltel Navigation is subscription based, even if you wanted to go the paid route, why not purchase a program like Google Navigator or better yet, Garmin Mobile XT, and pay a one time fee, instead of a monthly subscription fee as with Alltel Navigator?
Okay we are discuss the same issue at xda, now the rep when I called about gps issues agreed that gps on the phone is unclocked, however, at least for alltel, alltel nav is required for the gps to function correctly. The alltel stock rom blows, tflo is so damn sluggish. Auto rotate just basically locks wm up. I love juggalo's rom. Right now gps works about 95% of the time with minimal lag. However if someone could port alltel nav I think it would be perfect like it is with the stock rom running it. Trust me I know all about navigation software I had every piece of nav and mapping software on my titan. Never had this much trouble on my titan but willing to work on it.