Originally Posted by bast525
since we are talking about battery life, there is one thing that REALLY irks me on this phone. Lets say I have been using the phone moderately, and battery life has dropped to 80%. Something may come up that prompts me to do a soft reset, maybe to reclaim ram or if an app has locked up. Reset the phone, and now it's showing battery life at like 40%!! That happened today when I was streaming music for a bit... battery life went from 100 to 80% in like 20 mins... then I stopped the app and did a soft reset, and battery life then showed 40. This happen to anyone else?
What icon set (custom taskbar) are you using?
Is it tsowen?
More specifically is it tsowen's 5v1.6?
Are you also using the nuePowerDriver?
I ask because with that above combo, i've seen my battery levels jump erratically sometimes... i didnt notice those battery jumps with tsowen's V2 taskbar set.
Not even sure if it's related man... just my experience.