To end the bickering - there's a program out called ACB Power Meter. It'll tell you with no bs how much battery drain is going on with and without XCPUScalar running. Test it yourself and post the results. Measure before and after you've run XCPUScalar.
If you don't believe me that the creator has posted on this topic - then go to, go the 6700 forum and read the long thread on XCPUScalar.
Edit: I noticed that Sager posted this question on immier's own forum ( When Immier replies we'll have a concrete answer. I also realized that all my responses were to version 3 and below - I have not personally tried and metered 3.03. It's possible that 3.03 was able to disable our own scaling - but if so this is the first thread where it was reported I believe.
Again, please use abcpowermeter to confirm underclocking results. On - members were claiming better battery life UNTIL they actually measured it using the power meter.
Shaska, for more civil conversations - I suggest you watch your assumptions in the future.