Originally Posted by KCinNE
Hello all,
I'm also a noob (sort of)
I have a USCC ppc6800 I want to flash over to alltel.
Will this work for my phone if I haven't activated it on the alltel network yet?
also Verizon is acquiring the alltel network here, will that matter? should I wait and flash to verizon when they take over?
thanks for any help.
Originally Posted by MrObvious
No you can probably get Alltel to run it. Just get the 3.52 ROM from the US HTC website. It should be taken care of after that. You may have to play with QPST a bit though.
thanks for the info.
So. just to be sure.
I just run the alltel 3.52.671.9 (Radio 3.42.50),
RUU_TITAN_ALLTEL_WWE_3.52.671.9_RS_TITAN_Alltel3.4 2.50_NV2.02_PPST_Ship.exe
with the 6800 in bootloader mode?
my bootloader says
SPL 1.07