There are a lot of opera 9.5 tweaks here and there, but never all in one spot. So instead of going through multiple threads i decided to condense it all into one thread. None of these are my ideas so i would like to thank the PPCgeek community for these useful Opera tweaks
After going through all the opera:config menu items there seems to be a lot configuration that not everyone here knows about.
I have moved my cache to the SD card only because i recently obtained a 8gb class6 micoSDHD. So not everyone would need or have to change the
Cache Directory4 location
I currently run Opera 15445 with Flashlite 3.1 to enable flash
Within the Opera browser type in "
Opera:config" in the url
scroll down until you see "
User Prefs"
within user prefs look for these options.
a "*" indicates addition instructions, which will be shown below.
Automatic RAM Cache: enable it
*Cache Directory4: change to "\storage card\cache"
First Update Delay: Set to 0
Maximum Allowed Tabs: Set to whatever you want. I put 9
Smooth Scrolling: enable it
Turbo Mode: enable it
Scroll down and hit save. Restart Opera (Just in case)
*Cache Directory4
In opera menu
====> settings
====> Advanced
You can now change your cache to your liking. I set 10mb (10000kb).
After this, At least to me and others. Opera will rename your SD card folder from "Storage Card" to "Storage Card2" and then create a windows folder called storage card.
This will disable any programs you may have installed onto the card. Close opera, sync to your computer, Explore your phone, erase "Storage Card" folder.
After a soft reset, the actual storage card called "Storage card2" will change back to "storage card". your programs should work now.
Default location is "\Windows\Opera9\cache"
Block Ads within browser
Adblock, should decrease browsers load time (I haven't tried this. but it looks cool). Be warned that this may increase opera startup time.
To Default to non-wap browsing
in "
User Prefs"
UAProf URL: Clear the URL
Default is "
UAProf URL Enable: disable
After a restart this make webpages start in desktop view and not wap. I tried this in google and nytimes.
The problem is, webmail may not work anymore. I could not check my hotmail account after that. So i changed it back.
opera:config only shows configuration upto handheld
For people who have their opera:config page that only show the configuration options upto handheld.
Goto "help" on the "opera:config" page. Then click on the opera:config link from there. This page will show all the options. I don't know why it happens.