2 M2D Problems, Please Help!
Hi, I've got 2 M2D problems which I can't resolve. I've spent days searching all the forums and Googlin for an answer. HELP!
I'm running M2D from my PPCKitchen latest ROM on my Sprint Vogue. I have not installed any Cube.
1) When I go to my email tab it keeps resetting M2D. Occasionally it works fine but it's not reliable at all and in fact my force me to dump this ROM. I am running Seven for push Email (no Outlook email) for 2 services 1 of which can't be gotten directly. I can't find an answer other then to dump Seven which is difficult to do. When it works it works fine. I'm not finding why it runs sometimes and seems totally random.
2) Biotouch errors are occasionally occurring when I try to slide anything sideways. Sideways sliding isn't working at all it seems and even vert sliding seems to be messy at times in M2D (it keeps sliding and never stopping until the end of the window). I am not running any cube at all. Again, I see others are having this problem and haven't found a solution.
3) Sorry, 1 more issue... I use Opera 9.5 and TouchPal 3.5 keyboard. Anyway to tame TouchPal to make it usable with Opera? It opens continuously and when you're typing in something it pastes multiple copies of words. Very frustrating. I tried all of the different TouchPal settings to see if it would behave but with no luck. I understand I can use a different SIP but TouchPal is my default.
Last edited by trehouse; 01-29-2009 at 05:38 PM.