Originally Posted by bast525
FormerPalm - Okay, here's what transpired last night (love that word... transpired...). Da_G asked me to post the os.nb.payload from Scott's kitchen, which I did, and then he took out the existing ddi.dll, and packaged in the ddi.dll from the 2.03 Diamond rom (I was wrong when I said 2.09, 2.03 is the new one). He posted that back up, I put it in my ROM folder in the SSK, and cooked it up. Flashed the rom, I get the VZW screen with ROM/Radio versions, then a black screen... and nothing else.
The good news there... is that I guess the other methods I was using to try to insert this ddi were working, becuase I was getting the exact same result  There was another post in Da G's thread where someone posted a zip with the ddi.dll and a host of other dll's which he stated were "Required files for this DLL" that he extracted from Da_G's rom. Something like 12-15 dll's in that folder, all video related. Anyways, I tried overwriting my existing system files using those files with Total Commander.... same result as listed above.... So yeah... I'm confused, considering that rom is for an AT&T fuze, I didn't expect there to be any differences in video hardware, but then again, they are on a different CPU than we are, and the video is incorporated into that, no?
I won't give up though... this is like... my life's mission at this point 
Well, Da_G knows what he's doing on the XIP so this reduces my confidence that anything I might do differently will work.
DDI.DLL is the 2D driver - think of it like trying to load an ATI driver for your NVidia graphics card - it's definitely hardware dependent. AT&T Fuze is a GSM device. I don't expect the graphics hardware to be different but it could be. But let's assume it is the same.
DDI is called by GWES.DLL (Graphics, Windowing and Event Subsystem). If GWES isn't calling it correctly your system will hang after early boot trying to load the late boot OS. There shouldn't be any other dependencies though. However it may also be called by d3dm...