Originally Posted by buggerritt
Anyone have any insight on how to get rid of this 1/2 sign that is covering the cool battery gauge here in this screenshot?
I think what you have is not a "1/2" sign, but the date (and it is cut off). My guess is that tomorrow (Jan 30) you will see a 1/3 and then when we hit Feb you will see it begin with 2, and so on. I tried to replicate your issue with various settings but was unable to do so. Do you have any type of tweak or special config that would want to add the date to the title bar? The closest I found to that in settings was an option to display the time in the title bar while in programs, but it did not create your problem for me. Actually, that was a pretty good find and I left it enabled
If it really is the date you are seeing, maybe someone else can help more than me....good luck!
One thing I noticed is you are connected via usb in this screenshot. Just curious...Do you have this issue all the time, or just when connected to PC?