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Old 01-29-2009, 08:42 AM
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Re: OMJ's 2.00 Custom Diamond ROMs CE OS 5.2.20764 w/ UC! Updated 1/18/09

Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins View Post
well I'm not opposed to going back to 1%, I've used it for a long time, and definitely prefer 1%. it can also be manually added back in w/ this cab:

rotate still works using long press send key....and I'm not seeing the issue where the screen closes when rotated.
I take that back, now when I rotate Opera to landscape, it closes/minimizes to either the phone dialer or TF3D. Just tested again while in text msgs, it did the same thing.

This all started after I installed the above cab for the 1% battery earlier tonight. This is the same battery driver I was using in my previous roms for 1%. After flashing yesterday using the stock 10% battery, I could not get the landscape to fail.

So I think I will be sticking w/ the 10%, plus the 1% battery driver is much older, and I've heard the new battery driver from the leaked rom is showing better performance.

*confirmed* I just uninstalled the 1% cab, no more crashes. Sometimes it's best to leave it stock....especially if it produces better battery life, I'd rather have better battery life than 1%.

Last edited by OMJ; 01-29-2009 at 08:44 AM.
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