Just posting a big thank you for a great theme and what seems like very, very patient "customer support". THANKS!!
It took me a while to get it all set up the way I liked it on my 6700, but now I am pretty happy with it. I am attaching some additional icons as well as a modified Verizon banner image. It's a little less wide to make room for a slightly larger clock font size. Enjoy!
There is also a clock icon with a transparent face that I placed as a button on top of the clock you had in your interface. I changed that to a WAD clock using the image without clock hands from your distribution. Looks a bit scrappy, but now I have a clock with the right time on it.
Since I couldn't find a good WAD support forum, I figured I'd ask this here: is there a way to make the number of missed calls or unread messages notification circles disappear when the value of the custom text is 0??? Meaning, I only want to see the red bubbles when I have actually missed calls and/or unread messages.
Thanks again lazyboy for a great piece of work with very good documentation!!