Originally Posted by poorlyduck
I need an extra battery, so I'm keeping it.
Thank you, at least we will be in the same boat if something goes wrong
I too sent mine in without the battery just the bare phone with cover
we're all in this together lol. That makes 4 oem touch pro batteries I have now; two I bought from ebay.
Originally Posted by Magoo_215
My advice, use tape...lol lot s and lots of tape when you finish.
I had second thoughts about that yesterday also couldn't decide if i should look for tape or not lol
to bad i already mailed it, should have taped it up oh well. At least I have the tracking number in the system, its usps responsibility now if its lost or stolen. Im curious did you guys bother to write the tracking # down for reference and check it after to see if they receive it? I did!