Well, this was my first attempt at a semi-involved OEM, so if it catches your phone on fire or makes your children run screaming from the room I hold no responsibility! Seriously though, this is the zphone dialer from originally from zombienexus.net with a gradient black/grey skin. Just ran it up in the 1.0.2 kitchen and works perfect. I pulled the skin and dialer off these forums and just made a cab and oem off them (originally posted by Malatesta) so I hope there aren't any issues with copyright or such. Works well with the HTC Smartdial included in the kitchen and adds a few different icons to the call history list. You can add or modify the skins in the \phoneskin folder to your liking. I believe the carrier logo goes by whatever you have in your windows directory, as I can't find it in this package. Hope it works well for others and let me know if I screwed anything up!
EDIT: Ok, the cab works great but I am going to have to change a few things on the oem so I removed it for a bit. I'll reupload it this afternoon when I get it done.
EDIT2: Re added oem and works great on my apache!