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Old 01-28-2009, 06:53 PM
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Re: Sitting on an airplane

Hope this will clear things up a little. I've been an airline pilot going on 8 years now and I can confirm that all you need to do is put your phone into airplane mode. I'm not sure how to do this on the touch pro, but need to since I'm getting one in a couple of weeks. As long as the screen doesn't have power to it you're fine. Above 10,000 ft. as noted by the flight crew you can use it as much as you want. (movies, music, etc) just don't turn the radio on during flight.

There are some flight attendants that get sick of dealing with people who continue to talk on their phones long after the PA to turn them off, so they adopt their own zero tolerance policies. Not fair, but I can't blame them after some things I've seen. Most are cool and can tell the difference. I use mine when I'm riding in back for music, games, and have never been approached by a flight attendant, then again, I'm usually in my uniform.

As for the myth that phones don't cause's not a myth. For some reason, GSM phones create all sorts of noises on our communication radio. (pings, scratches, weird noises) It might be specific to my particular airplane, but If I'm flying with someone who turns their GSM phone on it instantly creates those noises. I haven't noticed it so much with CDMA phones, not to say they don't do it. Either way...something to think about for those of you who have chimed in so far and said it doesn't matter. It's an FAA regulation for a reason. Anyway, flight mode is fine. Just keep the power off until they say it's ok to use electronic devices. If someone gives you grief, just explain the radio is off. If they continue to give you grief, they don't understand. Unfortunately, it's probably in your best interest just to turn it off anyway.

Hope that helps, and fly safe!
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