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Old 01-28-2009, 05:18 PM
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Re: How to reflash stock sprint ROM?

Originally Posted by indagroove View Post
Because Sprint's service isn't flawless. Another user had the exact issue a couple of weeks ago, and Sprint called them and said it was Sprint's fault. See here:
This isn't happening on my wife's phone at the same time though. I really think it may have something to do with activesync. Sometimes when I activesync it's fine and still rings but other times it won't ring while activesynced and then it's all screwy afterwards. I just tested it and it's happening on the shipped sprint ROM as well so at least I know it's not OMJ's ROM that was doing it.

When you reflash a radio, it says it's overwriting the old ROM but I'm guessing it's just adding the radio, correct?
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