Originally Posted by wmphoto
I love your newest ROM.... I have had no problems what so ever. And with the newer radio from sprint I now have full bars in my home... I only had one or two before...
So, thank you very much.
Now for my question.
I've seen the extra manilla tabs for calendar in both other roms and cabs but I haven't seen any of them that are anything other than just a way to see the date. Meaning none of them keep or have any indication of appointments that are scheduled in the calendar on the home screen. Is there any way of merging the two so that when you would go to the calendar tab in manilla you would see the month view of your regular calendar? It seems kind of redundand and pointless if you can't put any appointments on it...
well I'm no manila expert, I just use the tools put out there.....I'm sure it could be done, but really dont know for sure.
Originally Posted by wmphoto
I forgot to ask my other question...
Tethering? I get what it is for but what are all of the fixes for?
Do the fixes allow you to share the internet connection with out using the phone as a modum? If so that would be an awsome feature... But I would also then assume that you would still need to watch your bandwith so as to not go over the 5gb... and cause sprint to wonder?
I was just wondering because I haven't been able to find a simple answer on the forum yet.
Thanks again.
yes, it allows ICS to be used w/o PAM. I dont use it much, but yes, I would stay under the 5gb, as the fix does not make you invisable.
Originally Posted by akates
Well if the rotation is an issue for OMJ I'll just wait to reflash until the next ROM comes out. Hopefully if he disables autorotation completely it will eliminate the bug and then gyrator can rotate it without it freaking out. That's really one of only 2 issues that isn't perfect about my phone! The other is that for some reason sometimes calls just ring and ring on the callers end and my phone does nothing. I won't get a missed call or anything, they'll just get voicemail. I'm assuming that problem is deeper than the ROM.
OMJ, when do you expect to have a ROM out with the autorotation fixed?
I cooked a rom last night, but I got an issue w/ the battery meter....I'm switching back to 10%, because of the bug w/ the 1%.....soon, 2-3 days maybe sooner.
I had this regedit to disable rotation, but opera is still rotating, I think opera may have it's own setting.
<characteristic type="HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation" translation="filesystem">
<parm name="HideOrientationUI" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
as far as your phone not ringing, you could try to shorten the SCI, go into ##778#, modem settings....default SCI is 2, changing to 1 or 0 will cuz it to poll the cell tower more often.
Originally Posted by HeyRobi
I switched from another Rom that seemed pretty mighty! I have noticed it seems like it takes alot longer to charge now and it seems battery life has gotten worse, but your rom seems alot faster and that's why I changed to begin with. So is speed a sacrifice for battery?
the other rom may use the rapid charge dll, I dont include it. i'm not sure what would cause faster batery drain, it could be from regedits for performance.
Originally Posted by akates
OMJ, before you get rid of rotation completely, try this fix: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=666579&postcount=1097. I found it on the Touch Pro forum and it seems to be working for now! It changes your volume icon and I'm not completely sure why it would work but it's working so far and has worked for a lot of TP people. I'll update if it stops working.
I'll check it out....