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Old 01-28-2009, 12:07 AM
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Re: Sprint Vogue PRL Question

I was about ready to take the phone back, but I received some expert help from some folks over at and loaded the same PRL that I had on my Sanyo phone into the Vogue phone and Wow! Now the Vogue is getting 3-4 bars consistently and sometimes 5 bars in the basement of my rural home.

I would have never thought this could be done but it works great. There is one draw-back but is easily overcome. Because the Sanyo was based on 1X technology, I can not get EVDO on the Touch phone unless I flash the latest HTC PRL back into the phone and soft reset it. But since I work out of the home and don't need EVDO unless I'm out and about, I keep it on the Sanyo PRL. It takes me literally about 3 minutes to flash back and forth between the HTC and Sprint PRLs. I have both stored on the phone.

A while back I did consider the Sprint Airwave device which requires broadband internet and uses a significant amount of bandwidth. The other and more expensive option that I have been toying with is to install a repeater antennae system at a cost of about 300 to 700 dollars depending on how deluxe I care to go. But at this point, no need and I am one happy Vogue owner.

Last edited by ETPhHm; 01-28-2009 at 12:12 AM.