Originally Posted by sgc144
Any Way To Get Active Sync To Work On This Rom? I
I don't use an exchange server, but this rom is mostly stock. I haven't played with anything that would break it. I'm sure a quick search will find a common problem.
Originally Posted by rileyd5
...What I do know is the rom is lightning fast and stable which is what's most important. Here is a cab for the enabling of wireless g (wifi) and cleartemps which is a nice program to clear up memory. the wireless g cab did seem to boost my wifi speeds a good bit!
I'll look at them tonight, thx. The SYS doesn't matter most of the time, it's what you put in a rom that makes it slow. You guys have been spoon fed some hype for the last couple months... I can do anything they can do with a stock rom all FREE!
Originally Posted by NeedAnewPhone
Heres a question. Why do I keep having to log into facebook? Before it would remember my pasword.
That I don't know, if you find a solution before I do please post it!
And recompiled the Clean Version:
rstg_Diam_1.5.13_Clean ..... (Remember, anything in pink is NOT included...)
Has no one found the "hidden link to my OEM v1.3 directory download link yet? Just one download so far... LOL! Been there since day one... Ya all should know I always release an OEM package too.