Originally Posted by billblack
I had the same issue starting with the 1.3 kitchen. I used the default dialer. I tried to hard reset, recooked and finally switched to Conflippers rom as this is a business phone. Hope Calc can isolate and fix because I want to come back to the best kitchen available!
I have been using Calcu's kitchens for some time now and I can not replicate any of these ring tone issues. I am not sure if it has to do with certain OEM's or what but it's not an issue for me.
I am starting to think that having the D3D driver as a module is still causing problems with Youtube. I have gone all day now without the driver as a module and have not had the Youtube error that was mentioned previously. Still testing but so far so good.
Also, above you say you fixed teh camera issue but then below where you show the sys it says camera doesn't work....
Originally Posted by Isriam
So I tested many things today. I used OEMIZER to create a provxml and option.xml for me with just the wap settings. nothing in rgu file. i can select carrier, and build a rom but it does not go past the initial screen. dsm = 0kb and rgu = 2kb is that correct? the only other file is my provxml and option.xml
The .dsm doesn't really do anything. It's usually empty anyway. The .rgu and the .provxml are where most registry settings as well as file changes (.provxml) are made. Your options.xml isn't near as important as the other two files when it comes to problems you are having. I am not sure i will be much help as this is really out of my area. Best I can offer is post your carrier OEM folder. I can try to take a look at it and see if I can see anything obvious. Aside from that I probably won't be much help.