Originally Posted by rex
If you just want to remove th icons, just go to \\windows\start menu\programs and look for the GetScanLife link and delete it.
Problem solved, i followed the instructions you gave and that removed the icons.
I dont have SKTools that JavierBond69 mentioned but i might look into that sometime in the future if this happens again. This is my 3rd WM device and my first time to run across this problem.
I also took skeegcpp s advice and removed the folder that contained the remainder of the info.
It was under Program Files / ScanLIfe there wre about 5 files in there so i deleted the entire folder.
Pulled the battery and its running like it was. Not that there was a problem before i just didnt like the 2 useless icons in my menu.
Thanks again for the very quick replys.