Wow, 3 days still 50% battery!
Out of box this thing only ran half day, now it goes for 3 days now with gmail pushing via MS Live and still has 50% battery! Here is what I did.
Flashed to MightyRom3.9. The newer builds do not work on my Sprint diamond. This is the major thing, radio bars went from 0-1 to always full. We all know: good signal = good battery life.
Flashed to Telus radio. People say this radio is the best.
Uncheck TouchFlo 3D in Today items so this crap won't auto start. Also make sure that stupid cube is not loaded (I think it is in the registry).
Deleted everything in \windows\startup to prevent craps from auto starting. Need to install a good file explorer such as Resco to see these hidden files.
Created empty files: OperaPrel.exe, QuickGps.exe, SmartTouch.dll, SmartTouchLib.dll and StartUpBioTouch.exe and copy them into \Windows. These prevents craps from loading. Make a copy of QuickGps.exe so I can still run it manually (uncheck all its options).
Edit registry to add a "1" before the gsensor.dll to prevent its loading. I use ScreenRotate. Not only this gets rid of the stupid auto rotate universally, it also saves battery without constant polling to the sensor.
Edit registry to increase battery polling interval to 30000.
Edit registry to change the touch panel pressure threshold to 0xf0. Changed some "0" to "1" in a registry key to allow power management for memory card etc. Not sure if these contributed to battery life but I started to notice much better battery life after these and the followings.
Forward gmail to to push gmail. I tried ImapPusherService, Emoze, VGSMail, Outloock (Exchanger push) and etc., they all sucked and sucked battery. MS Live is so far the best email pusher - very quick and NO impact on battery! I only use Live for email notification and brief view; I create an IMPA account in Outlook for gmail to get gmail syncronized. This way it requires one more extra step than direct gmail push, but well worth the reliability and battery life. Of course, if you don't have to stick to gmail, you may just use live which is now as good as gmail. Hey google, you've got a serious problem if your gphone won't win over WM.
Uncheck "Auto adjust backlight" and set brightness to 1 step from the left.
P.S., I use Opera Mini in jBed for most web browsing. It is lighting fast and uses very little battery. I use Opera Mobile only for few java sites.
Last edited by Fixup; 01-27-2009 at 06:30 PM.