Here is a step by step process on how to insert images into your signature... As a heads up, Puff has pointed out that you can also manually add images using these tags- - -> [img] Image URL [/img] (No spaces between Tags..)
1) Find an image you would like to insert.. For this example, I will use the Coz Boogie Militia Banner
When you find an image you like, you must right click on the image and
click "Copy Image Location"... Make sure you click this choice and not any other
2) Go to your 'Edit Signature' page
3) There is an icon
<- - - (this) that you need to click on.. It is located near the scroll bar...
After that, you will have this screen
4) Now you need to right click and paste the image link
5) After this, you can either click 'Save Signature' or 'Preview Signature'
6) Congrats! You now have an image in your signature! This can work for banners and images..
Here is a collection of images you may want to insert into your signature... Listed below are some of the most commonly used inserts I have found on this site.. This way instead of having to search for them, you can just come here instead... Also,
this site has a good collection of 'userbars' as they are called...