Ok, first off, No you do not need the kitchen to use a pre-built rom like BigJ's 1.2
The current AKU that all the roms are being based on is AKU 3.5, Anything other then that is a custom identifier by the rom maker ( for example, for my custom rom I used : "3.5.0" for AKU 3.5, "102" for Kitchen 1.0.2, and "X" for which revision of the rom Im using, Currently at rev.8 )
The Ext Rom Tools are on the PPCGeeks FTP, Actually, there also right Here:
http://files.filefront.com/extromtoo.../fileinfo.html (NOTE: I uploaded it to my Free Filefront account because I suck with FTP's and this way we know exactly where it is regardless of changes to the FTP.)
If I remember correctly the 9.3 version is an old version, The 1.2 is going to be the new one.
Don't worry, We are all a lil confused at first, But it will become real clear in time, Just read up on the forums and try out things keeping that Sprint Default AKU 2.2 rom handy should you make a mistake. (
http://www.utstar.com/pcd/uts_downloads.aspx You can find that ROM from that page if needed)
Hope this helps!