Two quick questions....
I just installed the latest nk.nbf that is in the Colonels ftp, upgrading from 3.5 final. Well, I failed to identify one of the apps that was in that release that I liked. To be specific, there was one app that put the number of the last call received/called on the today screen on one line. Searched for it but can't find it (perhaps part of another app?). Any help on this would be appreciated (someone who is still running 3.5 final perhaps).
My second question is that I have assigned voice command to button 5 under settings using the button applet but pressing the buttion still launches notes. Any ideas here? I have been searching and removing several startup progs but have not found this one out.
Thanks a bunch for any help out there. I imagine that both of these are easy fixes but I just got tired of beating my head against the wall.