Thread: HD People Tab
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Old 01-26-2009, 01:42 PM
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Thumbs up HD People Tab

Here my friend Showaco from XDA setting it up..

I posted this up for easy find, If mods disapprove my thread, feel free to delete. I just wanted to share. I have tested out the theme seen here.. And as theme it's working very well.. perfect!

For his HD Tab only cab you will find it here..

and direct download here..

Hope you all enjoy. (May work on some ROM's)

Follow his thread for future editing of Touch Pro.

Thx to
for his post for other ROM's

Ok here it is. Obviously, the one that is labeled "HD Contacts Tab" has CFC compressed images and patched version of working manila. The manila version here is 1.2.35091.2_1813.6 from the ATT Fuze. Works great. Let me know if these work.


Showaco and I are currently working on a theme together and it will have a working HD PPL Tab, TF3D Landscape (Juggalo's/with Showaco's edit) and Placing HD Weather Tab & Stoc Tab. E.t.a. 1 week or so.

We got 1 theme up with working HD PPl tab, Juggalo's TF3D landscape and new creations for TF3D making it a bit different view progress in link below:

Be Safe & God Bless!
A dream becomes a goal when action is taken towards its achievement.

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Last edited by GODZSON; 02-12-2009 at 01:18 PM.
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