Originally Posted by jmorton10
On the other hand, I have no problem whatever giving advice to a noob user that doesn't have to time or inclination to do that (but that's just me)
To a certain extent, I agree. I have no problem helping people out at all. Some people call me rude, unhelpful or an *** but usually those people are the ones that didn't take the time to search first and try to understand, didn't bother to read any of the posts to see if the question was already answered, or come off as sounding like they "expect" something for nothing. As though it was the developers "job".
Although the ones that say they don't have time to read bug me the most. They assume thier situation is far worse then anyone elses and should be exempt from the unwritten community rule standard of search, search and search again.
Helping people out is what this site has always been about. I don't believe there is anyone registered to this site that refuse to help people or don't want to help people. The problem is that so many of the simple questions have already been answered repeatedly and in most cases are stickies. When someone asks these types of questions, it's very frustrating.