yes im stuck in Bootloader and yes im tryingg to get the iphone rom
this is the link to the thread for the rom im trying to get. i guess its like the whole iphone rom. i found iphone themes but want the whole rom ya know??
after reading that he says u need olipro 2.40, so does that mean i have to synch it or can i put it on card and do it or can i do it with nuespl 2.47??
so heres what all am doing. ive downloaded 2 nuespl.2.47. i open winrar extract it to my memory card. go to open it and everything works. and then it gets to the uploaders scren the 3 differnt color bars(red blue and something else i think) and says service i believe. cant member cause i did all this last night. got my girls stock card that her pro came with did same thing stilll didnt work?? following instructions i know. but if its not working im pretty sure im doing something wrong please help.
also on lunch right now but i went to answer your response off the 6800. and it would let me type in the text box. but if i get on another forum it will. id like to be able to talk to yall on my mobile to get updates quicker but i cant and i wont be off till 5 to give yall more info to help me out.