Originally Posted by kyrumo
I have Verizon and Sprint's Touch Pro's and there's no difference between the performance of GPS lag between the 2
Originally Posted by kyle4269
Well thats good to know that its not only us Verizon users that are dealing with this lag.
No lag at all.....
NONE. I swear.... NONE!
It works like you would not beleive. Well, with TOM TOM 7 and live search.
I did start experimenting today with OCN2008 and noted that ti loagged about maybe 100 feet behind at some points....
But the other two apps are solid.
But I guess if that you consider the fact I never used OCN2008 before and not sure what its initial lag looks like then.... Yeah... I still think I have no lag at all.
I wonder if I can make a video for this somewho? Maybe I di have lag and dont realize it? But man, I never had such accuracy before.... Vouge was always way off, titan was good. this thing is great.
Anways, if you can help me quantify what I see that owuld be cool. I want to know if this lag is perceptual or not for me. BUt for now I see no lag at all. And that was on three of them....