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Old 01-25-2009, 11:22 PM
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Henri Blanche
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Re: [ROM]01-25-2009 Jmz Sprint 3.7 Rom HD Manila Version

Greetings Jmz!

Originally Posted by jmztaylor View Post
Don't get me wrong. I use it everyday without major problems. I have just ran it through all sorts of things on the tabs and the only problem I found is that it is a slight slow on fresh start but once it has been ran through once, runs fine. But porting HD manila is still a work in progress there is a chance for a bug or two.
I noticed the same initial sluggishness but otherwise everything seems fine in 3.6HD. I added some extra tabs such as comm manager and that worked fine. I inserted my usual potpourri of apps and hacks and that went well. And I just added the round sun and moon manilla files from the URL you posted and that really enhances the 5-day visual weather tab. I added social networking via CAB so I really see no pressing reason at the moment to upgrade to 3.7HD (especially since it takes almost an hour to get a ROM flash to just the way I like it). But keep up the great work! I'll monitor your versions as time goes by.

Cheers, Henri
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