Re: How To: Use another carriers HTC on VZW
Aha! I think I found where my errors are coming from!
In EPST, under M.IP Customer Profile 1, I have what appear to be some old Sprint settings with some VZW stuff mixed in...
Enable Profile: Enable
MN HA SPI Set: Enable
MN HA SPI Value( Hex ): 4D2
MN AAA SPI Set: Enable
MN AAA SPI Value ( Hex ): 4D2
Reverse Tunneling Preferred: Enable
Home Address:
Primary HA Address: 68.28.49.** ( shows this is a Sprint PCS IP)
Secondary HA Address: 68.28.57.** (same)
HA Shared Secret: (blank)
AAA Shared Secret: (blank)
DMU Public Key(PKOID): 0
MN Authenticator( Hex ): 0
(All spacing and typos preserved, lawl)
I take it this is probably where my error is coming from? I'll try DUN again with the "vzw" password (on the security page under "HDR AN AUTH Password(LONG)" and "PPP PASSWORD")... but I'm certainly curious about those old Sprint values in the Customer Profile 1... everything under Default Profile matches OP's post though.
edit: Hahahaha... under M.IP Settings, Active Profile was set to "1" (this messed up one). It looks like none of those settings saved properly! Therein probably lies my problem. Okay, well, time to give it a good ol' try once again!
Last edited by Falcon4; 01-25-2009 at 09:36 PM.