Originally Posted by ThreeSixty
So this is now my second Treo 800w (First one had some bad static when others were talking on my end). This one has already locked up while I was on a phone call and now the wireless manager does not have the Wifi connection option anymore.
I turned it on and tried to connect to my wireless. Wireless works fine on everything else and has no password for it. My Treo tries to connect but won't connect and keeps cycling from connecting to unavailable.
After closing it I can not get the Wifi option to come back up so I can even try to connect again. Any ideas on whats going on?
WOW..weird. that option should come with the rom, apps shudnt have anything to do with it. IMO. but maybe hard reset(##786#, then program your phone afterwards, thats ##msl#. you'll need your msl, of course and msid to do this. u can get these from sprint cus care, one thing sprint cus care is good for..lol j/k).
but definey weird...how long have u had this phone?? might need to excersise the 30 day policy and get another one