Originally Posted by scrosler
What are you talking about when you say Modify the menu?
No kitchens are not built of texct files.... They are built of RGU's XML's and PROVXMLS (which are just XML's) but they can be READ in a text editor. So yeah, your right, but no, your wrong. Ahahaha
Did I confuse or make better?
Hit the thanks button when I help ;c)
When buildOS launches I want to add more apps to the list of whats going to go into the ROM.
right, so say for example the default font size in the screen settings. If I want that to default to another setting, I would have to find and modify a file somewhere in the kitchen ... or are some windows settings built/compiled into the base CE OS
Could I also modify windows settings by having registry values written/changed during the first boot customizations process?