Re: 23 Jan 09 - [VZW] SSK 1.2 now with 'SSK Online!' Technology {CE OS 21109} UC!
Originally Posted by msee
yes that would be great, or if you could point me to a good wiki or tutorial...
can your kitchen be used with the buildOS?
when u say my OEM's do you mean extracted .cabs?
No, it cannot. However it can be used with the most of the OEM's.
EDIT: Sorry I was looking at one post and responding to another.....
OEM i guess could be called extracted cabs. I prefer to call them what they are, OEM packages. OEM's for short. But yeah, thats pretty much what they are. Extracted cabs.
As far as a wiki, I will elt someone else do that... I have not had those things bookmarked in years.... sorry ;c(
Someone will be along shortly to help.....
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Last edited by scrosler; 01-25-2009 at 12:27 AM.