Originally Posted by lawmangrant
Now, the only question, how can I get the radar to work? It just says no image has been defined.
You have to setup WeatherPanel to retrieve radar images from a URL.
In the WeatherPanel settings, select your city and click
Edit. Then click the
Weather Images button. Choose
Add New, then type a name and the URL to the image you want.
I used the URL to one of my local tv station web sites:
When you find the image you want (in IE on your PC), right-click on it, choose properties, and you'll see it's URL. This is what you type into WeatherPanel. By the way, it doesn't have to be a radar image - it can by any type of image you want. For example: Solar system simulator:
Another thing: After WeatherPanel has collected a few images, it displays a little play button on the image. When clicked, it will animate all of the images it has...