Originally Posted by scrosler
Yes, this sounds odd. Only affects very few people so that tells me... NOTHING. We need more info.
Please keep you eye open and tell us if there is anything you notice. I would be pissed if this happaned to me... Damn, cant use the hottest XV6850 ROM because its spamming people! Damn!
UPDATE: Ok so i hard reset, and everything seems to be back to normal. Texts are NOT in the outbox now, and i can open up the sent folder and outbox folder and all the other folders in the SMS app without any glitch or jumbling of the windows. What a relief! My friends texted me and were like thank god it stopped lol.
I'm gonna rock out with my **** out!
EDIT: Any advice on Diamond config and Advanced config? Can i have both installed? Is one better than the other? Pros cons etc. Thanks again!!
EDIT 2: Installing theme did not bring back the text messaging bug. Wheeeeeee!