You never posted the red theme. I don't even want to install HD-manila without your red theme to go with it.

Can you please post it?
-Note: The one thing I will want to change for sure is the fully-transparent bottom curtain. The slider just looks horrible to me on tabs with text behind the tab-icons. I like a semi-transparent one so you can still see the text under, but it is separated from the tab-icons.
Is the bottom curtain the same manila file as for the stock TF3D. If not, can you please also post the original manila file so I know which one it is and also have the source graphic so I can make it semi-transparent. Thanks.
EDIT: Also, what do you mean by no landscape support? Honestly I don't want traditional landscape support or even Juggalo's version for that matter, I just want the HD-manila interface to stay in portrait mode and be fully operational even when the keyboard is open. That would be awesome if it already does this! (of course I would still want it to be in landscape mode when other apps are in the foreground) Full-Screen games already work like that, so I know it can be done.
EDIT2: I take that back... full-screen games do not respond to screen clicks with the keyboard open. Oh well, I still want the same interface even if it is not operational. I just hate it when you click on an email or text message, then open the keyboard before it shows, then the screen flashes the email/sms screen, but then goes back to the 8 manila icons because the landscape mode loaded after opening the email/sms screen.