Originally Posted by CareTake12
Wow........ Another dumb comment from you! If you don't want to help, don't respond.. F***ing b****.
Interesting and childish...fair enough. It would seem you didn't bother to take my advice which was simple and to the point. Good luck anyway.
@ Calcu,
Normally I run the Picture mail version that I can download from Sprint. Today I decided to use the version you have and I am getting an error ""Picture Mail is not supported on this platform". I am going to cook with my picture mail version and see if I am still getting that error.
EDIT: Made no difference. Still getting the same error no matter what Picture Mail version I use. Going to install Arcsoft for now but that has been buggy too...not by anything you have done. FYI, Juggalo had similar issues not all that long ago I think. Maybe get with him if you are not sure what the problem is. I don't even know where to begin looking myself...